Taking Care of Your Baby’s Teeth


Taking Care of Your Baby’s Teeth

Being a parent of a brand new baby can be quite an exciting experience. Their first step, their first laugh, and their first set of teeth…these are all milestones in your baby’s life. Your child’s teeth in particular, need a lot of care. The first set total to twenty and they generally appear in pairs. The growth first appears usually when your child is around six or seven months old. The entire process may even take a year and a half to two years to complete. Of course, it really depends with each child. Some may have their complete set early on while others require more time. 

The first time their teeth grow, your child may experience some degree of pain. They often become anxious and irritable, and parents need to comfort their baby often during this somewhat difficult time. It helps to make yourself become more aware with the symptoms of natural teething. You need to take note of the following:

  • Increase in the flow of saliva
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Flushed cheeks
  • Fever (for some) 
  • Frequent thirst

You also need to observe your baby because they will frequently thrust their fingers or anything within their grasp inside their mouth. Many of these symptoms precede the appearance of the first set of teeth. You will notice in several weeks that the thin white enamel has broken through their gums. This is what people refer to as "breeding the teeth." 

So what do you do? How can you help your child cope with the pain and irritation? First of all, you don’t need to stress yourself out too much. This is a natural process that every child must go through, and everything will be alright in the end. It helps to put your infant a well-ventilated area. You also have to give them milk regularly so that their gums are kept moist and relaxed. Of course, you also have to know when to stop. Too much milk can be heavy on their tummies, and you only will end up with two problems instead of one. 

From the instant teething begins, you need a piece of scraped liquorice root or a flat ivory ring to numb the pain. You need to gently rub the gums with your finger. When you do this, the infant usually stops crying. The problem with some is that they take the baby teeth for granted. They always think that there is still another set coming. However, baby teeth are important and necessary. Your child won’t be getting their first adult tooth until they reach the age of six. Early on, parents need to help children look after their teeth and inculcate good oral hygiene practices even from the beginning.

You should be concerned with tooth decay. The good news is, there is a new range of toothpaste with xylitol as an active ingredient. Looking after the baby teeth is not the challenge. The real test lies in teaching your child to develop a healthy habit. Knowing how important baby teeth are, you also need to make sure that they last. Their first set teaches them how to chew their food properly. Diet, health, and nutrition: these are the basic needs your child needs to grow up with.


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